Sunday, June 4, 2017

Ramblings in the Night.....Road Trip to Robbinsville.....03JUNE2017

Ramblings in the Night

Road Trip to Robbinsville


            I’ve made the trip from Asheville to Robbinsville so many times I could probably drive it blindfolded. So I got up early this morning around 6:30AM. It’s Saturday morning. A normal sane person would still be in the bed. I had worked all day Friday until 11PM. Yeah a long day. So I should still be buried under the covers snoozing. But I’m not. I’m up and at it getting ready to drive to Robbinsville, pick up a load of my belongings that I have had stored there for the last 9 years.
            Piece of cake right? Wrong, nothing is ever that simple. There are customs that have to be observed. One, you have to eat with a family member. Two, you have to at least see 3 other members of your family and play catch up on what is going on. And third, give a short and skinny on what you have been up to since you were last home. Like I said, piece of cake…lol
            It is the perfect time to be on the road. Not a lot of traffic on the road, this early. It’s still cool outside. So I have the windows partway down, to let in the cool mountain air. The air still has a bite to it, this early in the morning. The drive took about an hour and a half. Not bad. I was at Mom’s house by 8:30AM. Mom had 3 homemade chocolate muffins made for me to eat for breakfast. Task 1 down. I ate them with a glass of milk. Then set about to deal with the chore I had driven into Robbinsville to do.
            I left moms and drove to the house where my stuff is stored. Mom and Jimmy followed me out there, to help. My Aunt Teresa and Cousin Shawn came by to help out. I load my Cadillac full of boxes and such that I was planning on keeping. Then loaded mom’s tahoe with stuff that I was sending to the garbage dump, and things that were going to the burn pile up by the barn.
            Once we were loaded down with boxes, we headed back to mom’s house. It didn’t take as long as I thought it would to get everything loaded. We were back at moms by 9:45AM. Since I got finished early I thought I would get back to Asheville, and rest a little while before I had to go into work at 3PM. That way I hopefully could avoid traffic.  I gave Mom a hug and a kiss, like a good son should do. I told her that I loved her. Then got in the car and hit the road.
            I grew up in Robbinsville. It hasn’t changed much in the 47 years I’ve been alive. It is still a small mountain town on the far western end of the state. Of note Robbinsville is a dry county. For those that don’t know, that means there is not one store or restaurant in town that sales beer, liquor, or wine. Bummer right? Lol My Mom would beat me for saying that. When I was a teenager, if we wanted alcohol we would have to sweet talk an older cousin into purchasing it for us. Or go to the local boot legger and get it.
            It’s funny that Robbinsville is a dry county, and the TV show Moonshiner’s is filmed there. Yes, I know good ole Jim Tom, Mark, Jeff, and Mike. I was raised up with these guys. Mike is a cousin, on my mom’s side. It is so Dukes of Hazzard. Lol…  Just good ole boys, making their way, the only way they know how. Been in trouble with the law since the day they were born….lol.
            I drive through town not a whole lot is going on. Some early morning grocery shoppers and a restaurant goer or two. I decide as I’m driving up Sweetwater to swing by and look at my Grandma’s farm. My Aunt Shirley owns it now. I drive by the old home place where I spent many happy days as a child. At the far end of the pasture closest to the road. I see my cousin David. Task 2 is completed. David is working in his garden, hoeing weeds. I park in the middle of the road and spend about 15 minutes talking to him. At one point he threatens to find me a hoe to help him. I probably would have helped if he needed me to. We catch on what is going on with each other. Third task is completed. Then a car drives up the road behind me and I have to take off and continue my journey back to Asheville.
            As I drove away, my mind went back to when we were kids. Shawn, David and I spent many hours in the gardens and tobacco fields hoeing, among other things. Long days in the hot sun, late into the evening. If we weren’t in the fields hoeing. Then we were picking up bales of hay to put away to feed the cattle or sale. It was hot sweaty work. And yes we didn’t like it. We were kids. We had rather been out playing, instead of working. But it taught each of us the meaning of hard work and to provide for our families.
            Living in the city I don’t have a place to grow a garden. If I did, I would be at it, just like David had been, when I drove up. I enjoy growing things. I have a lot of house plants and many many more flowers outside in the yard.  A garden would be nice. That way I would have to run to the store every time I wanted fresh vegetables.
            The return trip was quick. I made it back to Asheville by 11:45AM. So I had a couple of hours to unload my car and get some rest. Before I have to start getting ready for work at 3. I love city life. But somedays I wonder if working myself to death, to have every creature comfort is really worth it. If moving back to the old home town with its slow pace and laid back attitude wouldn’t be more conducive to a more relaxed life that is less stressful. Then I remember that Robbinsville is a dry county. The silence can be so loud that you think you will lose your mind. It is a drastic change going from city living to country living. No background noise.

Written By: David M. Shuler.

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