Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Ramblings in the Night..........LOVE Unconditiionally

Ramblings in the Night

 Love Unconditionally

            I just wrote about Hate. So, I feel it is necessary to write about its opposite Love. Much has been written about love. It is one of the most sought-after things in life. Many people find love. But only a few, hold on to it. It is not that love is fleeting. People fall in and out of love as often as they change their underwear seems like these days. If you keep up with the entertainment industry in the news. Some star has broken up with the current flavor of the month and moved on to a new boy/girlfriend. It makes this statement pretty true. Most people fall in lust not love.
            What is love. Well the dictionary says that love is, an intense feeling of deep affection. “Love is a variety of feelings, states and attitudes.” True enough. I like what the Dalai Lama said, “LOVE is the absence of judgement.” When you love someone, there shouldn’t be restrictions or conditions to that love.  But most people want to put conditions on their love.
            When I was young I heard an old saying, Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly is to the bone. I believe this is a very true statement. I have met some very beautiful people. But once you get past the pretty, they are the ugliest people I have ever met. Their image of themselves, hinders them from truly loving another person.  I read a profile a young man created that said, I am intimidated by anyone prettier than me. And the photo the young man used on the profile, he was very attractive. How can people be so vain, that they don’t like others that might be better looking than themselves. JEALOUSY.. 
                                                                    Mom holding me with my uncle Eddie looking on. 1969

            I’m getting off subject and chasing rabbits. Lol. My Mom I would say, is the best example of unconditional love. She used to aggravate me when she would say, you will never know love like, a love a mother has for her child. Being a guy, I couldn’t be a mother. But as a son. I knew the love of my Mother. Not one time in all my years breathing air, have I ever been worried that my Mom didn’t love me.
            Don’t get me wrong. I’m not perfect. I have said and done things that have made my Mom fighting mad. But she never stopped loving me, even with all my fault and flaws.  When I was a kid, she would beat me and call it a whooping. Even today and me a grown man. She will sometimes say, I wish you were little boy again so I could give you a whooping. We still argue and fuss. But deep down, I know my Mom loves me. And I love her.
            There were no conditions to mom’s love. She loved freely. Without reserve. But there were consequences to stepping out of line or misbehaving. Punishment was swift and sure. It usually ended with my going to hunt for a hickory switch. And while Mom was using that hickory switch on me. She would be saying this is hurting me more than you. I would be screaming. NO, IT’S NOT. While I was running around in a circle trying to get away from her.
            Looking back now, I do realize that yes, it probably was hurting her to have to correct me. But also, she wanted me to grow up to be a decent man. I’m sure I have failed in that area many times.

Me with the Mumps and my Dad. 1977

            With my Dad, to have his love, there were conditions that had to be met. He expected his son, to love sports, hunting, fishing, camping, and a plethora of other manly things. Well I do like some of those things.  I love to hunt, fish, camp. I even like some sports. Dad would get upset if you didn’t go out for the sports offered at school. He didn’t understand my love of reading, or Matchbox cars.
            The biggest obstacle between me and my Dad today, is my being gay. He cannot accept it. He acts all awkward, when he is around me. Like, he’s not sure what he should say, that wouldn’t sound like him being an asshole. Although, he can be a major asshole at time. Usually when he is trying to tell me how to live my life.
            Let me give you an example. Dad has been going to a revival at a church that a good friend and former college roommate is the Pastor of. His name is Chris Rumfelt. When Dad told me about the revival and whose church it was. I told him, that Chris and I were friends and former college roommates. Big mistake on my part. Because he called me the next day. Dad told me that he asked Chris to pray for me. That I was living a sinful life and proceeded to tell Chris my business. I’m not mad that he asked Chris to pray for me. I am mad that, he took it upon himself to tell things that he knows nothing about. But like I said, Dads love always has conditions attached to it.
            Mom always told me to love God first, then family, then friends and everyone else. In that order. She would say, God should be first in your life above all others. She would tell me that God loves me. That Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice of love, by dying for everyone and taking away their sins. As a young child that was good to know. Because I sinned a lot. I still do.
            Even with myself. I know that I put conditions on my love. I have loved 3 guys in my life. Each one of them were special in one or another. Each had special qualities that I found attractive. Even though for one reason or another, things didn’t work out. But I still think of them fondly. We still stay in contact with each other. We remained friends.
            Tracy was my first love. The moment I laid eyes on him, I was lost. He was way out of my league. But it was love at first sight. I couldn’t sleep, eat, or concentrate, I was always thinking about him. The funny thing about Tracy. He had a dog named Buttons. He told me when we went out on our first date that if Buttons didn’t like me that was it. I worked for a bank at the time. I stuffed my pockets with doggy treats that evening when I left work and headed to Asheville for our date. I got to Tracy’s apartment. Set down, and Buttons came over to me sniffing. Then she pawed at my pockets. Tracy asked me, what was in my pockets. I pulled out the doggy treats and Buttons tail started wagging nonstop. Tracy laughed and said, you have bribed my dog. I replied, no just getting in good with the boss. Lol  
                                                                                         Me with Coco and Rootbeer

            It is not only humans that know how to love and show affection. I have 3 dogs. Coco, Rootbeer, and Lil Shug. They each have their own personalities. But they are all very lovable. They can be very demanding when they want attention. Coco, is my bully. She will bully her way in so that she can love on you or you love on her. She doesn’t understand the word no. But she is very loving and affectionate.  Rootbeer, he does this little gig and this funny growl, if he thinks you are ignoring him. Then once he has your attention it is up in your lap to hangout and nap. And then there is little Shug. She is the baby of the trio. Now she likes to walk up my chest, so I can blow in her face. Once I start that she will pat my jaws with her paws and turn her head from side to side wanting to keep doing it. It is a big game to her. She likes to snuggle up real close to nap. But once she comfy she does not like to be disturbed.
            Love should be free. Love should not cost you anything. You shouldn’t have to change yourself to be loved. If you must give up something or change who you are to get love, there is a problem. There are restrictions to this kind of love. That is a warped kind of love.
            Love should bring joy into your life. Love should make you giddy and light headed when it is freely given and received. Love should happiness to your life and the lives that you are showing love to. True love knows no bounds. It doesn’t have borders or limitations. Love can brighten your darkest day.
            I will close with this.  I heard a statement. It went something like this.  If love is what you seek. Seek it with all your heart. Be prepared to travel to the ends of the earth to gain it.

Lil Shug being all cute and sweet.

Written By: David M. Shuler


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