Monday, June 12, 2017

Hiking Trip to Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest 10JUNE2017

Hiking Trip to Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest

Robbinsville, NC


            Tracy and I drove to Robbinsville early Saturday morning. Neither of us had to work so, we decided to spend part of the day in the woods hiking. Tracy had never been to Joyce Kilmer. I have been there many times. It is one of the most beautiful forests I’ve ever hiked in. It is peaceful and relaxing. The stress just seems to flow out of your body the moment you enter the forest. One other reason I chose Joyce Kilmer, is that it is in my home town and I could stop by and see my folks.
            The drive from Asheville takes about 2 hours. It was a beautiful morning and traffic wasn’t that bad. Once we got to Robbinsville we headed out Massey Branch Road, around by Santeelah Lake. Nothing but winding roads deeper into the mountains. We topped Santeelah Gap and started down route 143 by Rattler Ford and the next left is the entrance to Joyce Kilmer.

            There was a cool breeze wafting off the creek. Perfect for hiking. When we arrived at the parking area, there were several cars already there. People were coming off the trail and others were just starting the hike, when we parked. There were other people at the various picnic areas having lunch enjoying the peace.

            The Joyce Kilmer Trail Loop is about 2 miles long. It makes a drunk mans figure 8 if you do the whole loop. What I didn’t take into account is that last fall in November 2016, forest fires ravaged Western North Carolina. A large area of the Great Smoky Mountains National park was destroyed because of the fires. Joyce Kilmer didn’t escape the fires either. One section of the trail loop was closed due to those fires. You could see the scorched areas driving in.
            But we didn’t let that stop us from hiking the part of the trail that was still open. The trail in areas is riddled with roots and rocks. So you have to be careful and watch your step. Once you get up to the big rock with the bronze monument. You can go in 3 different directions. To the left or straight takes you deeper into the forest. There you find those ancient poplars Tulip or Yellow Poplars some over 400 years old. That is longer that we have been a nation. When Columbus discovered America some of them were nothing more than saplings.

       I will attach some photos so everyone can get a glimpse of the ancient Poplars and some of the views of Joyce Kilmer. A lot of the spring flowers have bloomed but there were wild flowers blooming. Not to mention that the Mountain Laurel was just starting to bloom here. Joyce Kilmer never disappoints. It renews and rejuvenates the body, mind and spirit.

Joyce Kilmer Trail Loop

Joyce Kilmer wrote the poem “Trees”

David & Tracy propped up on a Yellow Poplar
Tree with rock growing in the center of it. You can always find something unusual at Joyce Kilmer.

                                Crawl underneath the trunk of this tree. Funny how trees grow.

                               Log probably struck by lightning.  60 feet long maybe longer

                                   Moss covered log running about 75 to 80 feet long.

Various photos


2 photos of the trail

At the information shelter at Joyce Kilmer.

Beginning the hike.

Another of the Yellow Poplars. It is massive.

                                Mountain Laurel beginning to bloom

bridge on the trail  and then the creek

Information boards found in the shelter at the beginning of the trail

                                different photos from the trail.  

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