Friday, May 12, 2017



Rights we demand, is our battle song.
Rights to abort, though some think it’s wrong.

Rights to live free, and do as we chose
Rights to protest, with cheers and boos

Rights to equality, for all men
Rights for those, who think they are women.

Rights they demand, free money to everyone
Rights to not work, but sponge off the working ones.

Rights to disagree, just not with me
Rights to deface, destroy, to injure and maim

Rights to protect those we love from all harm and shame
Rights to love freely, for those whom we care

Rights to life, liberty and death
Rights to live without fear.

Rights to be had, to reach out and grab’em.
Rights to be lost, because someone denied them.

Rights, Rights, Rights, some without a fight
Rights, Rights, Rights, Might equals Right.

Rights to worship, as we each see fit.
Rights to worship, without a pulpit.

Rights to play, all day long
Rights to sing, sad songs.

Rights we have and some abuse them.
Rights we have and some will lose them.

Written By: David M. Shuler


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