Friday, January 13, 2017

Dear Papaw

Dear Papaw,
Twenty years have come and gone.
Life moved on, but we are never alone.
Your legacy still stands, through space and time.
I wish we could hit the rewind.
The songs you sang, hymns of old
Still ring true, the story to unfold
The example you set, the lessons you gave
Your faith in God, that our lives be saved.
Days come and go, in the daily grind
But thoughts of you, still flood our mind.
You are missed and loved
I wish you were here.
Now heaven is your home,
I long to be there.
It’s beauty so vast, the day never ends
You are rejoicing with family and friends.
No sickness or heart ache, in heaven so fair
No pain or no loss, not even despair.
Up in heaven you wait for your family, so dear.
With arms, open wide and a smile on your face
To greet your loved ones, because Christ prepared a place.

In Honor and Loving Memory of my Papaw Jim Eller
06JAN1916 to 06AUG1996

By: David M. Shuler


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