Saturday, July 15, 2017

The Way It Has Become

The Way It Has Become

Here I stand all alone,
My family have left and now are gone.

This is the case of being me.
Those I love up and leave.

This is the state of life today.
Things we don’t love, we throw away.

It is sad to see a homeless Vet.
Who served our country, then was left a wreck.

Sadder still is a homeless youth.
Who identified as LGBTQ.

Protections for the common folks.
Are nothing more than a big fat joke.

Money rules lives today.
Compassion and love, have been bleed away.

It is a sad state of affairs.
That our government is full of crooks and liars.

Justice has been bought and sold.
By the ruthless and greedy, who have the gold.

Providing for your family,
Takes both parents working endlessly.

The news is full hate and fear.
Who to trust is so unclear.

College campuses are a sea of unrest.
Racists and haters demanding rights to express.

These are but a part of everyday life.
A maze full of struggles and strife.

Written By: David M. Shuler


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