Friday, July 6, 2018

The Muck and the Mire

The Muck and the Mire

I found myself in the muck and mire
A life wasted and in great despair

In the hog pen I found, only Misery and pain.
Till one day He opened my eyes to my bitter shame.

I began to call on My Father’s name.
I cried to the Lord, now my life He has totally changed.

A life of sin brings death and hell.
Screaming and crying, endless pain to be felt.

That ole song it true,
He is calling to me and you.

Bring it to Jesus and surrender all.
A home in heaven when the master calls.

Lay your burdens down at the master’s feet.
In His loving arms, there is rest for the weary and weak.

Begging to be restored
I gave my life back to the Lord.

My sins were forgiven
When I knelt and prayed

Under Calvary’s flow my sins He did wash away.
He restored in me, my faith that was lost.

Because I was burdened down with this world.
All I needed to do is bring it all to the cross.

The Holy Spirit met me there, while on my knees.
He declared God’s mercy and forgiveness, He pardoned me.

The scars of a life lived in sin
Will go with me to the very end.

Reminding me of where God brought me from.
A new life to live and a Christian race to run.

The days are brighter since I gave it all to the Lord.
There is no going back, to this sinful world any more.

This world doesn’t offer anything but pain and misery.
I’m heading for my new home in heaven to be with all my family.

Call upon His name
All of heaven there is to gain.

Written By: David M. Shuler

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