Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Snake Wrangling

So I have had to do a lot of things in my life but wrangling a snake is a new one, even for me....lol But that is just what I did last night. Charles had left the office. A few minutes later he called to tell me that there was a black snake hanging on the wall near the far end of the complex.  So I left the office to go check it out.

Charles wants to catch the snake and move it into the woods near the property. So we get a 5 gallon bucket courtesy of Megan and a pillow case. Then wrangle the snake into the bucket. Yes fun-times...not...lol

I have attached a few photos for effect....enjoy.

                                    Just hanging around. Not bothering nobody...lol

                                    I ain't gonna bother anyone. I'm only 3 plus feet long. I'm not scary....lol

                                   Charles ready to catch the snake once I get it on the pole

 Yeah, the snake dropped to the ground below us in the breezeway

My friend Charles ready to release the snake back into the wild, across the street. Which is a wooded park.

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