Sunday, May 6, 2018

He Called Me Out

“HE CALLED ME OUT, the man with garments dyed.
I knew His voice—my Lord, the Crucified.
He showed Himself, and oh, I could not stay;
I HAD to follow Him, HAD to obey.

“It cast me out—this world, when once it found
That I within my rebel heart had crowned
The Man it had rejected, spurned, and slain;
Whom God in wondrous power has raised to reign.

“And so we are ‘without the camp’—my Lord and I.
But oh, His presence sweeter is than any earthly tie,
Which once I counted greater than His claim:
I’m ‘OUT’ not only FROM the world, but ‘TO His Name.’”

Author Unknown. 
Published in 1937

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