Monday, October 10, 2016

RAMBLINGS in the NIGHT...... Easily Offended

Ramblings in the Night……….Easily Offended

            We live in a day when people are easily offended about anything. People wear their feelings on their shoulders. And any slight seems, to be a person insult to set them off. Freedom of speech is under attack. Employers routinely check out employee or potential employees social media pages. Anything that is found that offends could cost a person their job. We live in an age where you have to be politically correct.       
            Just last week a teacher’s aide in Georgia lost her job over a post on her Facebook page where she called the first lady Michelle Obama a gorilla. People got their panties in a twist and sought to have her terminated from her job. And they succeeded. So a lady lost her job over her freedom of speech.
            I was taught when I was younger, that sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never harm me. While that is not necessarily true in this day and age. Because I believe, in the 21st century people are thin skinned. Today if you say something that hurts a persons feelings then they run straight to the person in charge and tattle tell. Which when I was growing up would have gotten you beat up.
            Michelle Obama, our current first lady has had nearly 8 years to do tremendous things that comes with the position she holds as first lady. She could have bridged the gap between threatening tear our nation apart, and brought people together to end racism. But it never happened. If anything she caused the gap to grow wider. It is clear that she doesn’t like or care for white people. Claimed that she lives in a house built by slaves. What she failed to say was that slaves were brought in as a last resort. Because before slaves were used in the building of the White House, there were Scottish, Irish, and other races building it. And in order to get it built sooner slaves were brought in. But, let’s move away from the first lady.
This Rambling isn’t even about her. My Grandpa would say we are raising a bunch of pansies and sissies. My Grandpa knew that I was gay, when I was a teenager living in his house. He didn’t care about my sexuality. Because I didn’t act like a flaming queen. I loved to hunt and fish. I didn’t have a problem getting my hands dirty working The only thing about me that pissed my Grandpa off was my very long hair and the earrings in my ears. And he didn’t mind it too much or he would have made me cut my hair. Today, guys are afraid of breaking a nail.
While I was serving in the US Navy, I was an instructor at Corpsman school. I was out to my Captain and other member of the staff. I didn’t catch grief because I was gay. Mainly because I didn’t act gay. I sure wasn’t girly acting. But there were young sailors going through Corpsman school who did act girly while in uniform. This would piss me off quicker than anything. And I called 4 young men out for it one morning in front of everyone. Oh they screamed bloody murder. Claiming that I couldn’t call them out for the way they were acting. So I let them in on my secret. I didn’t normally tell my students about my sexuality. But I felt that they needed to be educated.
Now I am sure that this would and will offend some people but I really don’t care. I believe that while in uniform you carry yourself in a certain manner. And guys acting all girly is not the manner in which you carry yourself. Especially if you are in a combat situation. That is a good way for you to get yourself killed by members of your own unit.
While I was an Instructor at Corpsman school, new sailors coming over from boot camp and bringing with them time out chits. What the hell is a time out chit? I didn’t know at the time. Boot camp didn’t have time out chits when I was going through boot camp. So when the first student brought me one begging for a time out. I learned that they were to be given to the instructors when the student had had too much and needed a break because things had become to intense for them the continue. Are you fucking kidding me? As my Grandpa would say we are raising a bunch of pussies.
You know we have to be PC or Politically correct today. Well what does that mean? I had no idea until I looked it up. Well basically it means, is we have to be very alert to what we say and how we say in order not to offend others. To this I say, BULLSHIT. I like what the urban dictionaries definition of Politically Correct says. Political Correct: A way we speak in America so that we don’t offend whining pussies.Only pathetically weak people that don't have the balls to say what they feel and mean are politically correct pussies.” AMEN… I grew up speaking my mind. I don’t plan to stop just because what I say might offend someone. They either need to grow a pair or stay the hell away from me.
While I was in college. I think I caused my professors a lot of stress because I am so out spoken. I know I made Mrs. Burch cringe more than once, because of something I said. I used to hate to give my opinion. I didn’t really want to hurt someone’s feelings. But after much soul searching and thought, I decided hell if a person really wants to know my thoughts and feelings on a subject. I feel that I should be honest and upfront with them. Even if it hurts. If you don’t want my opinion don’t ask me for it. For the most part I am blunt and don’t hold back.

I think we can always agree to disagree. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. It shouldn’t offend a person because someone sees things in a different light and voice their thought on the subject. So don’t hold back and raise your voice. Offend someone by thinking differently than they do. Post something that offends and have the balls to stand by what you believe. Don’t back down from confrontation. We need a few people with the guts to speak out, even if it offends others.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

RAMBLINGS IN THE NIGHT....2016 Election & the Democrat and Republican running for President.

Ramblings in the Night……..
2016 Election and the Democrat & Republican running for President.

            I’m setting in my living room. The second Presidential debate is about to start. The Donald & Killary are set to face each other for the second time. If tonight’s debate is anything like the first one I will have wasted other hour and a half of my life. While both sides claim victory over the first debate. Personally I think it is a sad state of affairs and a shame on the United States citizenry, that the only two people that are so called qualified for the highest office in the land, is Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump.
            What does it say about us as a Nation, that these two individuals are the best and brightest that we can come up with to hold the Office of President of the United States of America? We must be the biggest bunch of idiots and morons breathing air. Or to quote Killary, about Republicans, she called us DEPLORABLES. We have The Donald, a man that loves the sound of his own voice and Hillary, a woman that thinks she can do no wrong and if she does, she can get away with it without having to face the consequences.
            Yes, I am a registered Republican. I’ve been a registered Republican my whole adult life, and knew before I ever went and registered what party I would register with. I grew up half of my family was Democrat and the other half was/is Republican. So I was educated about both sides from a young age. My Grandpa was a registered Democrat his whole life. And my Great uncle is a registered Republican. Both play a big part of my life and how I view both political parties.
            When I was a young child, I remembered going to the voting poles with my dad or grandpa. I remember walking into the voting poles and watch as my dad or grandpa would receive their ballots and sign in that they were voting. At that time they had these journals with every registered voter in the county names in them. Voting was a sacred rite of passage and to be taken serious. It was your God given duty to vote.
            Now, when you walked in the Republicans would be on one side and the Democrats would be on the other. And they carried guns to the poles. Elections were tense moments up to the close of the voting. Neither side spoke to the other. And depending who the elections life could be very hard for those in the losing party.
            Prime example; my Great grandfather, who was a diehard in the wool Democrat over saw the horses for Bemis Lumbar company. If the Republicans won the election, then he would deny the loggers in the county access to the use of the horses to get logs out of the woods and the lumber mill. He would just about starve out the Republicans before he would finally lend out the horses to them. So when I say it was serious business, I mean voting was serious business.
            I’ve lived through 8 Presidents. The good Lord willing I will live through the next one. Whomever it may be. Richard Nixon was President when I was born. He left office early due to the Watergate scandal. I wasn’t old enough to remember all the details or understand just exactly what was happening at the time. But both sides of the family were in chaos because of it.
            Gerald Ford, the President that wasn’t supposed to be. He became President, because of Nixon’s resignation. He stepped up in a time when America needed stability and to start the healing process over Watergate. For the most part his Presidency was uneventful.
            Jimmy Carter, a Democrat, from the South, a Georgia peach. What we would call, “a good ole boy.” While I feel a moral and decent man, with good Southern values. He was not a strong President. He only lasted one term. That being his inability to use his office as President to bring the hostages in Iran home safely. He wanted to negotiate with what we would term TERROIST today.
            That saw the arrival of the Gipper, Ronald Reagan to become the next President of the United States. Reagan, made it clear that if he was elected President, his first order of business was to bring the hostages home safely. He told Iran and the rest of the world that if the hostages weren’t released when he became President. Then he would go to war and send them back to the Stone Age. The leaders of Iran, the Ayatollah Khamenei, were praying to Allah that Reagan didn’t get elected. But Reagan did become President and the hostages came home shortly thereafter. Mom let me stay out of school the morning that Reagan was sworn in as President. My Aunt Belle had given me a TV for Christmas that year so I spent the morning in my room glued to the TV. Reagan was elected for two terms.
            Reagans Vice-President George H. W. Bush became President next. He lasted one term. He invaded Iraq beginning the Persian-Gulf War and Operation Desert Storm. This was not popular with the American people. I remember my cousin Robbie was in the Army and had to go. My family worried a lot during that time. Praying that Robbie would come home safely. And he did.
            Bush lost the bid for a second term as President to Bill Clinton. The Governor of Arkansas. A Democrat. Not much was known about him at the time. But he won the oval office. Clinton was President for two terms. But his Presidency was marred by scandal and Impeachment inquiry. The scandal was sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky. But she wasn’t the first or last. Bill Clintons famous quote, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.”
            George W. Bush, son of former President George H. W. Bush moves into the Oval Office and becomes President. On 11th day of September 2001, planes crashed into the Twin Towers in New York and the Pentagon. This attack was by a terrorist group Al-Qaeda. Operating out of Iraq. Public enemy number one was Osama Bin Laden. Just a few months later war was declared on Iraq, Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.
            I was working at the University of TN at the time. The morning of the attacks I was working in the Emergency room at UT. I saw news footage moments after the first plane hit and watched live as the second plane hit. I ran out of the ER suite I was in and yelled the Twin Towers had been hit by planes. The Nurses station emptied out and people ran to empty rooms to watch the news. It was a shock to the system. I believe all of America was stunned at what happened. Most couldn’t believe that it would ever happen to us.
            I left UT for the US Navy. Bush was elected for two terms as President. Some people at the time believed he would go down in history as the worst President in US history. Several factors came into play, not just the war going on at the time. Wall Street and the housing market tanked. People were losing their homes by the score. America was in a recession and on its way to a depression.
            Onto the scene walked Barak Obama. He beat Hillary Clinton for the Democrat nomination. And became our current President. He became our first black President. I will say now that I am not racist. But I felt and still feel that he wasn’t qualified to be President. But that is neither here nor there.  He ran on the platform of HOPE and CHANGE. But he is ending his two term Presidency with dissention and unrest. America has become a nation divided. It is not all Obamas fault either. He is an over confident man that refused to work with the members of Congress. And our elected officials in Congress refused to work with him or each other.
            Which brings us to the upcoming 2016 election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.  Personally I don’t think either one of them should be President. Trump, puts his foot in his mouth just about every time he opens his mouth. He says things without thinking how his words will be perceived. We live in an age that what we say today may come back to bite us in the ass tomorrow. Everything is recorded via audio or videoed. And then it is uploaded to social media. And once there, can and will haunt you forever and a day.
            Hillary Clinton, is a devil of a different breed. I wouldn’t trust her if I could pick her up and throw her. Incompetence best describes Hillary. She may suffer from Alzheimer’s. She has problems remembering what she has said and done. And the outcome is never her fault. She takes no responsibility for her inactions that allowed 4 Americans to be killed. Or that while Secretary of State she lost $6 billion dollars.
            Yes Trump lost a billion dollars in a day. But it was his billion dollars. Hillary lost money that belonged to the American people. How is it that the Clintons who have been public servants all their lives have acquired and amassed a fortune worth over $200 million dollars. You can’t do it and it be honest and legal.
            This election will be decided by people who really do not have good choices to choose from. Either way who ever becomes President, it will be American citizens who will suffer. Of the 300 million people in the United States this is the best we can do. These two are the most qualified to hold the office of President. It doesn’t make sense. Nor does it add up. Neither one of them are qualified in my eyes. Hillarys’ nomination has been rocked and marred by scandal at every turn. Trumps having the same problems. And yet in less than a month we are going to walk into the voting poles and cast our vote and one of these two morons or deplorables will be our next President. It is we the American people who are the idiots, for even believing that we stand a chance with either one of them.

             I feel that dark days are ahead for the American people. I feel that more and more we will be a nation divided. And NO Leader to step up to start the healing process that America so desperately needs. It is scary and yet we are being led like cattle to the slaughter. Give us a leader, who will put the American people first for a change. A Leader that will make changes in Washington that will make life better. Work with Congress and Congress will work with him or her. I don’t care if the next President is a woman as long as it is not Hillary Clinton. The world is setting back and laughing their asses off at us.