Tuesday, January 30, 2018

29JAN2018 Gearing Up for the Super Blue Moon

Driving home from work. I was nearly back to Asheville and the house when I noticed the Moon in the sky. It was beautiful in the afternoon sky. When I got home I immediately got my camera and snapped a few photos. Hope you enjoy them.

This if the view of Moon standing in my back yard.

Big and Beautiful

So far away but so close with the help of a camera

I will post more photos as we get closer to the 31st. It will not be long. A couple of days.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018



Out with the old, and in with the new
2018 is upon us, what shall we do.
Get rid of the clutter of 2017
Make room for the new of 2018.

Start the new year off right
With a kiss from your sweet love at midnight.

Start off the year with black eyed peas and collard greens to seal the deal
To bring you luck throughout the new year.

The year will fly by in the blink of an eye.
So, tell yesterday good bye.

Hold up your head
Look straight ahead

Times a wasting
You have plans to be making

Resolutions galore
That will be broken by day 4

Give a shout out 2018
You are fresh and green.

A new year so bright with possibilities
Let us not forget, we have a few responsibilities.

Vacations to take,
Dreams to awake.

So believe in yourself
Live only for the day

2018 is full of opportunities
Don’t let obstacles, stand in your way.

Written By: David M. Shuler