Monday, April 24, 2017

The Memory Card is Full

Memory Card is Full

The memory card is full
The display screen read.
No present or future memories
Could be stored, it said.
All that is left are fading memories
Playing in a loop
Like a hula hoop.

The memory card is full
 The present can’t get in.
All we see is now history
That has begun to repeat again
Things that we should know
Of day to day events.
Has left us unprepared
For our future doth not exist.

The memory card is full
The day runs on and on
Nothing new gets through
Those we once knew
Are strangers now
And we no not how
The life we once lived
Has up and disappeared

The memory card is full
I really don’t understand
I was once free and independent
Came and went as I please
I’m now locked up
All the doors and window shut
I don’t really comprehend
What is the meaning of this.

The memory card is full
My brain has played a trick
Yesterday I was living life
Today I’m the age of six
Those are my memories
Of a childhood, long since passed.
Nothing new comes to mind
The light in my eyes is dimming fast.

The memory card is full
Am I living in a dream?
The faces that I see today
Disappear and fade away
For I cannot tell
Is this heaven or is this hell?
My mind has seized up
Frozen in space and time.

The memory card is full
I’m living in the past
Some call it old age,
Others say I’ve gone insane.
But Alzheimer’s is its name
Life as I knew it,
Will never be the same.

Written By: David M. Shuler

For those lost to us because of Alzheimer’s