Friday, August 22, 2014

The 1st week of Fall Semester....I survived.

The 1st week of Fall Semester

Well I survived the 1st week back to school. Although I was hurting by the time it was over on Thursday. Working full-time and school full-time is rough on an ole man. I drive from Asheville to Sylva4 days a week, Monday thru Thursday. I have 3 classes each day. My last class ends at 1:45PM. I make a mad dash to my car and away I go heading back to Asheville and my job which I have to be at, at 3PM. So not much free time or down time for me this semester. The only bright side is this is my last semester having to drive to campus. All my class after this semester will be online... Thank the Good Lord.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

I thought this very interesting. Thought I would pass it on.

Obama listens to no one, and chaos ensues

By Jennifer Rubin Updated: June 12 at 12:08 pm

When a president decides to ignore the advice of military and intelligence professionals and shut out Congress, he can hardly complain when things go very, very wrong. That is essentially what has happened with respect to the Taliban trade debacle.
Before the U.S. transferred five Afghan Taliban detainees to secure the freedom of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, American intelligence officials predicted that two of the men would return to senior positions with the militant group, according to U.S. officials.
The classified assessment, a consensus of spy agencies compiled during the prisoner-swap deliberations, said two others of the five were likely to assume active roles within the Taliban, while only one of the five released detainees was considered likely to end active participation in the group’s effort to undermine the elected government of Afghanistan.
President Obama didn’t listen to the national security officials in his own administration, nor did he let Congress in on the deal. Perhaps he considers their views irrelevant, or maybe he understood that Congress would ask difficult questions and strongly object for precisely the reasons that the intelligence officials did. In any event, the White House might have gotten a better read on how the public would react and therefore decide to ditch the Rose Garden show, which backfired on the administration.
The episode is emblematic of this president. The White House’s insularity and arrogance, coupled with an ideologically-driven determination to end wars even if our enemies won’t end them, have resulted in a string of foreign policy disasters including, as we now see, the near-collapse of Iraq; the Syrian bloodbath; and, we fear, a phony Iran deal that will essentially allow the mullahs to have their nuclear-threshold state.
His motive, many suspect. is to close the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, by dumping out its detainees, no matter what the risk. (“Some officials also thought the transfer could speed up the stalled effort to eventually close the Guantanamo prison, although angry lawmakers now are proposing even steeper restrictions on the administration’s transfer authority.”) It must nag at the president that he hasn’t been able to close Gitmo, a campaign promise and a point of contention with the George W. Bush administration. But using a prisoner swap and dressing it up as a great accomplishment isn’t going to get Obama what he wants.
When the attitude is “I know best” and “the facts be damned,” the results are bound to be bad. And when the president’s worldview is so skewed, he is likely to make a string of errors that embolden enemies, weakens our stature and freaks out our allies.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Politically Correct or PC

         I'm not what you would call a PC person. Usually I say what is on my mind first and make apologizes second. Very seldom do I apologize for how I see view things in life. I am a firm believer that everyone  has the right to say what they like when they like regardless of who likes what was said or not. It is one of the basic rights of being an American. Or 1st Amendment right to freedom of speech. I don't always agree with what is being said but I do believe the person saying it has a right too.
        Evidently there is a move in this nation for everyone to think alike, say the same things, and be very aware of what they are saying and to whom they are saying it to. Because heaven forbid we offend someone with the words that come out of our mouth. We are not allowed to have opinions and if we do have opinion they can't be voiced or put on the Internet for others to see for fear of loosing your job, or not getting into the right schools because colleges and employers look at online social media like facebook, myspace, twitter, and etc. etc.
       While I am not racist or think myself better than any other person. I think voicing your thoughts and opinions is a God given right . Though I don't care for Don Sterling's remarks about black people I do think he has a right to say them. Just like with the KKK I don't agree with their hate speech, but do think they have the right to speak it.
       In a perfect world everyone would love and respect one another. There would be no such thing as a homeless person. Everyone would pull their weight. The government would not be supporting people, the people would be supporting themselves. In a perfect world we wouldn't have drug addition, alcohol addiction. There would be no sickness. But we do not live in a perfect world. We do have homeless people, and people who are to lazy and worthless to take care of themselves and expect the government to keep them and their families up. Cancer, AIDS, heart disease, just a few of the illnesses that people face every day.
       We are individuals. We are not clones. We have minds, and ideas, thoughts, and dreams. Can you imagine if we all thought just alike. How boring this world would be if every person the planet thought and believed the same way. Depending on the person it could be awful. What if everyone thought like Fred Phelps the pastor that hated our military and homosexuals. If we thought like him then our military and every gay and lesbian breathing would be dead and burning.  While I think that it is disrespectful to protest a military funeral service. I do think that Mr. Phelps had a right to under our Constitution.
        I don't ram my beliefs and ideas down peoples throats. And I expect people not to try and ram their beliefs down my throat. If asked I will tell you what I think. You don't have to like it. It doesn't really matter to me. I will speak my mind. And if people don't like it well tough.
       I don't believe in marriage str8, gay or any other form. Gay people can do no more harm to the institution of marriage than the heterosexual have. I do think that it is a God given right to marry the person you love if that person wishes to marry you. I know that goes against my Christian upbringing but it is the truth. If you must marry, then marry the person that you love and loves you back.
      With all the craziness going on in the world. Being PC might look like a good thing. But it is really not. I try to conduct myself in a professional manner when I am at work or at school.  I try to do the right things. But I will not change how I think and see things just because a group of people tell me I should. I do not like being told what to do. If I am wrong about something then I will admit I was wrong. But I will never say I am sorry for thinking or seeing things the way I see them.
        I have about as much use for someone that is too lazy to get out and get a job as a boar hog has use for tits. I think if you are to lazy to work, then you should starve to death and die and quit taking up space with your lazy ass. What I said is not PC. It could hurt some one's feeling or self esteem. Well I say if the shoe fits then wear it.  It drives me crazy to go somewhere and see guys with the pants hanging to their knees. I think it is sickening to look at. No one wants to see some one's ass hanging out of their pants. I finally found out what that style is called. It's called swag. I like to call it stupid. But now I'm not supposed to say that either because it is putting a group of people down... Bull hockey. I say speak your mind and if it offends then it offends. You and I have a right to say what we think regardless of what people think about it.
       Scream it, shout it, let the world know what you think. If it is not PC scream and yell it louder... Say on and say it loud......

Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Gang from SCC Paralegal Program....

Here are a couple of photos of a few classmates from the SCC Paralegal Program. We were asked to take part in a photo Op for the program this past Thursday 15MAY2014.. It was a fun time...
John, David, Megan, Rebecca

John, David, Megan, Rebecca

Sunday, March 16, 2014

My New Car

Jimmy and I drove to Knoxville, TN to get my new car after my other Cadillac was totaled 2 weeks ago.

This one is pearl instead of white. I am getting used to it.  I'm having to break in the seat.


Our Greatest Fear —Marianne Williamson

it is our light not our darkness that most frightens us

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented and fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other
people won't feel insecure around you.

We were born to make manifest the glory of
God that is within us.

It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.

—Marianne Williamson
The Law does not imply Justice.