Friday, December 16, 2011

Slickrock Wilderness Day Hike

Sunday 11Dec2011,

Lyle and I decided to hike in the Slickrock Wilderness Area of the Nantahala National Forest.  When we got to Tapoco to park and start our hike it was 24 degrees outside. I was still early morning not quiet 8am. We got started and saw hog sign all  over and around the Slickrock creek trail. When we got to Ike Branch we found an unusual surprise. Right below the trail at Ike Branch there was Mountain Laurel in full bloom. Very unusual for this time of year. But still pretty.

We made to Slickrock creek and followed to the trail up the left side of the creek til the trail crossed the creek. Then we made our own trail up the left side til we finally had to take our boots and socks off and cross to the other side. The water was extremely COLD. I thought my toes would freeze off before I got to the other side. But I made it. I wasnt on the right side of the creek 15 minutes when I had to do it all over again and take my boots and socks off and cross for the second time.

Calderwood Lake looking at it from Slickrock Creek Trail
David taking it easy on a rock in the middle of Slickrock Creek

Lyle looking at the clear water of Slickrock Creek

Mountain Laurel in full bloom in December. Near Ike Branch.

Lower Falls on Slickrock Creek.

We made it to Yellow Hammer Gap then hiked up to the Ike Branch Trail and then back the the truck. I was a wonderful trip. And some of the prettiest country you could ever hike.  It was a beautiful day for a hike. Theres really never a bad day for a hike.